- 打卡等级:热心大叔
- 打卡总天数:122
- 打卡月天数:18
- 打卡总奖励:121
- 最近打卡:2025-02-22 14:24:44
- --=======BY XUEWU 20220502 Q784055837 新增代码 2022-05-02 雪舞=========
- --衣服
- local nKfsID116 = LuaFnGetItemTableIndexByIndex( sceneId, selfId, 116 )
- --肩膀
- local nKfsID115 = LuaFnGetItemTableIndexByIndex( sceneId, selfId, 115 )
- --链子
- local nKfsID107 = LuaFnGetItemTableIndexByIndex( sceneId, selfId, 107 )
- --戒指
- local nKfsID106 = LuaFnGetItemTableIndexByIndex( sceneId, selfId, 106 )
- local nKfsID111 = LuaFnGetItemTableIndexByIndex( sceneId, selfId, 111 )
- --护符
- local nKfsID112 = LuaFnGetItemTableIndexByIndex( sceneId, selfId, 112 )
- local nKfsID113 = LuaFnGetItemTableIndexByIndex( sceneId, selfId, 113 )
- --普衣肩
- if tonumber(nKfsID116) == 10159104 and tonumber(nKfsID115) == 10159103 then
- MAX_HP = floor(GetMaxHp(sceneId,selfId) * 0.05)
- x100001_Tips(sceneId,selfId,",达到要求,普通重楼甲肩套装属性+5%血上限")
- end
- --超衣肩
- if tonumber(nKfsID116) == 10159114 and tonumber(nKfsID115) == 10159113 then
- MAX_HP = floor(GetMaxHp(sceneId,selfId) * 0.1)
- x100001_Tips(sceneId,selfId,"超级大笨蛋,达到要求,超级重楼甲肩套装属性+10%血上限")
- end
- --普三件套 链主 满足任意两个 方案1
- if (nKfsID107 == 10159100 and (nKfsID106 == 10159101 or nKfsID111 == 10159101 ) and (nKfsID112 ~= 10159102 and nKfsID113 ~= 10159102 ) ) then
- MAX_HP = MAX_HP + 15888
- x100001_Tips(sceneId,selfId,",达到要求1,普通三件套血上限15888")
- end
- --普三件套 链主 满足任意两个 方案2
- if (nKfsID107 == 10159100 and ( nKfsID112 == 10159102 or nKfsID113 == 10159102 ) and (nKfsID106 ~= 10159101 and nKfsID111 ~= 10159101 ) ) then
- MAX_HP = MAX_HP + 15888
- x100001_Tips(sceneId,selfId,",达到要求2,普通三件套血上限15888")
- end
- --普三件套 戒主 满足任意两个 方案3
- if (nKfsID106 == 10159101 or nKfsID111 == 10159101 ) and ( nKfsID112 == 10159102 or nKfsID113 == 10159102) then
- MAX_HP = MAX_HP + 15888
- x100001_Tips(sceneId,selfId,",达到要求3,普通三件套血上限15888")
- end
- --普三件套 玉主 满足任意两个 方案4
- if (nKfsID112 == 10159102 or nKfsID113 == 10159102 ) and ( nKfsID106 == 10159101 or nKfsID111 == 10159101) then
- MAX_HP = MAX_HP + 15888
- x100001_Tips(sceneId,selfId,",达到要求4,普通三件套血上限15888")
- end
- --普三件套 链主 满足任意三个条件
- if (nKfsID107 == 10159100 and (nKfsID106 == 10159101 or nKfsID111 == 10159101 ) and (nKfsID112 == 10159102 or nKfsID113 == 10159102 ) ) then
- MAX_HP = MAX_HP + 15888
- MZ = MZ + 2888
- x100001_Tips(sceneId,selfId,",达到要求,普通三件套血上限15888 和命中2888")
- end
- --超三件套 链主 满足任意两个 方案1
- if (nKfsID107 == 10159110 and (nKfsID106 == 10159111 or nKfsID111 == 10159111 ) and (nKfsID112 ~= 10159112 and nKfsID113 ~= 10159112 ) ) then
- MAX_HP = MAX_HP + 28888
- x100001_Tips(sceneId,selfId,"超级大笨蛋,达到要求1,超级三件套血上限28888 ")
- end
- --超三件套 链主 满足任意两个 方案2
- if (nKfsID107 == 10159110 and ( nKfsID112 == 10159112 or nKfsID113 == 10159112 ) and (nKfsID106 ~= 10159111 and nKfsID111 ~= 10159111 ) ) then
- MAX_HP = MAX_HP + 28888
- x100001_Tips(sceneId,selfId,"超级大笨蛋,达到要求2,超级三件套血上限28888 ")
- end
- --超三件套 戒主 满足任意两个 方案3
- if (nKfsID106 == 10159111 or nKfsID111 == 10159111 ) and (nKfsID112 == 10159112 or nKfsID113 == 10159112) then
- MAX_HP = MAX_HP + 28888
- x100001_Tips(sceneId,selfId,"超级大笨蛋,达到要求3,普通三件套血上限28888 ")
- end
- --超三件套 玉主 满足任意两个 方案4
- if (nKfsID112 == 10159112 or nKfsID113 == 10159112 ) and ( nKfsID106 == 10159111 or nKfsID111 == 10159111) then
- MAX_HP = MAX_HP + 15888
- x100001_Tips(sceneId,selfId,"超级大笨蛋,达到要求4,普通三件套血上限28888 ")
- end
- --超三件套 链主 满足任意三个条件
- if (nKfsID107 == 10159110 and (nKfsID106 == 10159111 or nKfsID111 == 10159111 ) and (nKfsID112 == 10159112 or nKfsID113 == 10159112 ) ) then
- MAX_HP = MAX_HP + 28888
- MZ = MZ + 5888
- -- x100001_Tips(sceneId,selfId,"超级大笨蛋,达到要求,超级三件套血上限28888 和命中2888")
- end
- -- x100001_Tips(sceneId,selfId,"脚本没死"..nKfsID107)
- -- x100001_Tips(sceneId,selfId,"脚本没死"..nKfsID112)
- --=======BY XUEWU 20220502 Q784055837 新增代码 2022-05-02 雪舞=========
local HIT = XiuLianAttr[10] + MZ